smart niche SOFTWARE solutions

Niche products designed to achieve better outcomes for your enterprise including analytics, trading on currency markets, specialised security products, and specific industry solutions.


                Emotional responses can be your undoing in circumstances where logic and well-managed risk is what is needed.

                The FX-Tools product range gives you the edge to stay with the plan!


                Visibility of your operation can produce informed decision-making thereby dramatically affecting your bottom line. The

                The Niyshah Reporter brings the power of large-scale enterprise analytics to the SMB without the large scale cost.

                My Solution

                Wish you had software that could significantly benefit your enterprise, but can't find anything to suit?

                Using gated project management, we'll work with you in developing a fully supported product that gives you the edge.


                The increasing complexities of security for your systems and the demand burden it represents are addressed through specialised products managing single sign-on and password security and management.

                You can be secure and mitigate risk!

              • SecureAnyBox 

              • Secure Workstations

              • Keyshield SOO