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Installation on Linux

Eric Belcher
on 9/6/17, 6:48 AM 1,566 views


Linux Standard Base (LSB) must be installed, otherwise, we are not able to register SecureAnyBox
for automatic start. It is available through various online repositories.

The installation procedure depends on your distribution, it can be for example sudo yum install redhat-lsb-core for SUSE/RedHat/CentOS Linux (rpm based) or sudo apt-get install lsb-core for Ubuntu Linux, Debian (deb package based distributions)

If you decide not to install LSB or it is not available for your system, you still can register the starting script manually. We always create it in /etc/init.d/

We don't support other JVMs than Oracle Java. You can install Oracle JVM manually, locate and use existing installation or choose private Oracle JVM installation. Tested and approved Oracle JVM is always a part of the installation package, just choose the Private Java option when you start the installation

Default installation path is /opt/tdp/secureanybox however, you can choose whatever path/device you need.

Installation script then needs IP address and port - this can be changed later but you have to choose address:port combination which will not cause any conflict with other services running on the box. Thus, we recommend to start with the default port and once you will enter the management console, you can change it or add more interfaces on different address:port combinations. If a conflict is detected, the system will revert to the last "good" configuration which allows you to continue.

It is highly recommended to switch to SSL (https) as soon as possible. You can either use a built-in function for self-signed certificate generation or you can import your existing certificate with the private key (usually available in PKCS12 format). Please keep in mind that interfaces are virtualised – it is necessary to set both IP address and URL otherwise system is not able to accept a request.

Please note - export limitations doesn't allow to distribute JVM with unlimited encryption policies. You can download and apply unlimited encryption policies if it is legal in your country (refer to www.oracle.com/for detailed information). You can't use the password longer than 7 characters without unlimited policies application.


In the case of an upgrade, the same installation script is used. Please confirm the same installation path like before and choose the default option NOT to overwrite the configuration file.


From version 4,3,1, the host name needs to be set in the configuration file. Assuming a standard install edit the following file.


search for

# Hostnames - SecureAnyBox web (HTTP) interface hostnames. Multiple hostnames can be set. To add
# webHostnames=

Enter the host name of the server hosting the safebox service.

Save the file and restart the service.

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Asked: 9/6/17, 6:48 AM
Seen: 1566 times
Last updated: 9/6/17, 7:45 AM