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Unable to Access safebox site after upgrade to 4.3.1

Eric Belcher
on 9/6/17, 7:41 AM 2,004 views

After upgrading to 4.3.1 the system seems to start, but I'm unable to access the site via the normal web address.


Eric Belcher

--Eric Belcher--
| 3 1 2
REDBANK, Australia
--Eric Belcher--
Eric Belcher
On 9/6/17, 7:44 AM

From version 4,3,1, the host name needs to be set in the configuration file. Assuming a standard install edit the following file.


search for

# Hostnames - SecureAnyBox web (HTTP) interface hostnames. Multiple hostnames can be set. To add
# webHostnames=

Enter the host name of the server hosting the safebox service.

Save the file and restart the service.

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Asked: 9/6/17, 7:41 AM
Seen: 2004 times
Last updated: 9/6/17, 7:44 AM